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How to Update the Status of an Invoice
How to Update the Status of an Invoice

A helpful feature within Base is the inline editing. This allows for dynamic changes to be made to records in a table without using a modal

Kason McCaskill avatar
Written by Kason McCaskill
Updated over a week ago

How to Update the Status of an Invoice in Base

Quick Note:

An invoice status is locked down after it gets approved and pushed to your accounting system. For a user to unlock this record, they must have the “Can Admin” permission toggled on the Invoice to edit the record after it’s been approved and pushed to your accounting system.

Understanding the Dynamics of B2B Invoicing:

Client changes are an inevitable aspect of business and can sometimes be tedious. While automation enhances operational efficiency, there are times when a manual approach is necessary to ensure everything aligns perfectly.

Why Manually Updating Invoice Statuses Matters:

Base sets itself apart by providing you the ability to directly edit your invoice statuses, offering a solution for situations where automation might not be sufficient. Whether it's an issue with accounting integration or a delay in approvals, Base is here to support you with instant adaptability.

Decoding Invoice Statuses:

Before diving into the 'how', it's crucial to understand the 'what'. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of each invoice status and what it denotes:

  1. Proforma: Think of this as a draft or a quote. It comes into play when an invoice is newly created or updated.

  2. Awaiting Approval: Awaiting the client's nod. Currently, updating to this status requires manual intervention.

  3. Approved: A green signal from the client or end-user. This means your invoice has been accepted and will consequently update the job status to "first approval".

  4. Submitted: The invoice has been dispatched to the client and has also been channeled to the accounting system. Following this, the job status shifts to "Invoice Submitted".

  5. Paid: When the payment reflects in the accounting system, the status updates to "Paid". Depending on the payment completion, the job status will either be "partially paid" or "closed".

  6. Rejected: Time to revisit, edit, and remake.

  7. Voided: Essentially, this means the invoice has been cancelled.

Updating Your Invoice Status:


1. Locate Editable Fields:

Not every field in Base offers inline editing. You can identify the ones that do by clicking into them on the table, and a dropdown menu will appear.

2. Accessing the Status Field:

Navigate to the Status field adjacent to the invoice you aim to update.

3.Selecting the Desired Status:

A drop-down menu will appear. Choose your preferred status from the list.


6. Finish

The moment you select, the invoice status is modified in real-time to mirror your selection.

The Automated Progression:

Interested in how to further edit a job, check out our guide on How to Edit a Job.

Seamless invoice management is just one facet of Base's capabilities. Adapt, evolve, and stay on top of your financial game with Base's array of features. Want more insights? Our expansive knowledge base is always here to help. Elevate your B2B operations with Base.

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