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How to View a Job's Profit Overview
How to View a Job's Profit Overview

In Job Details, there is a section where the profitability of the job can be viewed

Kason McCaskill avatar
Written by Kason McCaskill
Updated over a week ago

How to View a Job's Profit Overview in Base

Unlock Insights into Your Job Profitability:

Having a clear understanding of your job's financial health is essential. Base's real-time profit overview offers an accurate snapshot of your job's profitability, empowering you to make informed decisions and keep stakeholders in the loop. Use this valuable information to steer your project in the right direction.

Detailed Guide to Accessing a Job's Profit Overview:

1. Navigate to the Jobs Page:

Go to the Jobs Page by finding it in the left navigation of the Base dashboard.

2. Go to Job Details:

Locate the job you wish to review and click on the View Icon. This will lead you to the select job’s Job Details page, a reservoir of information about that particular job.


3. Access Real-time Profit Overview:

On the Job Details page, find the section that offers a snapshot of the job's profitability. Situated above the transactions table, it dynamically calculates profit, factoring in both revenue (charges) and costs (expenses).


Understanding the Profit Overview Feature:

  • High-level Summary: Consider this as the financial summary for your job. It shows the estimated revenue compared to expenses, giving you a clear view of your projected profit margins.

  • Tailored for Different User Levels: Whether you're an operator tracking real-time profitability or a guest user, Base ensures you see the crucial information. However, some component elements are discreetly hidden from guest users to maintain data integrity and confidentiality.

Advanced Reporting:

  • Job Profit & WIP Accrual Reports: Base's reporting tools offer in-depth insights by providing a granular understanding of job profitability. Navigate to the job profit and WIP accrual reports to gain detailed financial performance understanding for specific time frames.



Gaining a comprehensive view of your job's financial health is vital in the B2B service realm. With Base, every detail, every charge, and every expense is under your purview, ensuring you make informed decisions that propel your services to greater heights. Dive deeper into Base's features and enhance your understanding of job profitability.

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